Wednesday 23 July 2008

Happy Birthday, Sandra!!

Lots love, blessings, hugs, prayers, cupcakes & kisses!


Anonymous said...

Haaaa!! just checked this before going to bed! If it wasn't so late i'd think about using my co-contributor priveleges to somehow make the whole thing a bit less narcissistic! ;)
Thanks dear friend =)

Anonymous said...

Those cupcakes look SOOO good.

When I get to heaven, I plan to shove anything sweet down my throat... after praising God and catching up with family/friends of course.

Honoria said...

There's a movie when people go to heaven and just eat and eat. (In it, Meryl Streep has a great time slurps up this endless strand of pasta) while eating with friends and not worrying about weight... ah, bring on the Wedding banquet of the Lamb!

Anonymous said...

Wow what movie was that?

Cupcakes, especially ones with thick icing and lollies on top is something I could never get sick of. I could eat a thousand profiteroles with custard inside and chocolate icing. What could you eat endless amounts of?

And happy birthday Sandra!

Honoria said...

"Defending your life" - Thoroughly unChristian way of looking at how things will be after we die. Actually, it's not heaven yet, but the place you go to so decide if your life has been worthy of heaven.

There's a little cupcakes bakery in Melbourne that you'd enjoy! (the store is little and the cupcakes are little)

I can drink Chinese soup endlessly. And probably eat noodles forever... *happy sigh*

Would you like to write a guest post on food, Mel?

Anonymous said...

Sure, how do I go about doing that?

Anonymous said...

Sure, how do I go about doing that?