Friday 4 July 2008

Dear Reader

Hi, to all five of you!

I hope to "launch" this blog soon. So I'd love to know what things you think I should tweak and pluck. For instance, a good friend helpfully said "You write well. But it's like trying to look at a lovely view while walking with a stone in my shoe", because my grammar is terrible to the point of distraction! I plan to make her sit down and edit with me. [laughs gleefully]

How do you think this blog should evolve? More pictures and personal stuff? Less internal torment / hell / death / judgment / sickness?

Thanks for reading and your encouragement! Would appreciate a prayer.



David Ould said...

hi Honoria. Don't lose any of the current content - I find it stimulating. You write really well and I particularly appreciated the material on your parents.

Perhaps a few more lighter numbers too? I don't know about others but I read blogs to see what people are thinking, but I like to get to know them too.

Honoria said...

Great to hear from you, Dave, and thanks for your comment.

I'll try for lighter / personal =]
but at the moment, that ain't me. I'm also a little funny (= paranoid) about divulging personal stuff on the internet. If I wouldn't announce it at Tuesday night dinner, I wouldn't blog about it.

Jean said...

I love your blog! You write beautifully. What will the "launch" involve?

My only suggestion is to choose a new template: I want to steal your template for my blog. I've chosen a picture and designed a header for my blog, but yours is the only template I can get it to match. I think it's time yours had a change. Just go to layout, templates and the rest is simple. A completely selfless and objective request. ;)

See ya round and keep blogging, l'il sis.

Honoria said...

Thank you, Jean!

"Launch" would involve telling all the friends in my gmail and FB accounts.

You have an excellent eye, Jean. A graphic designer chose this template =) (I love brown! And khaki.) I'd be very honored to have a matching blog layout as yours! Do you think people will get the blogger confused?

I'm trying to choose a text colour for long quotes but have missed more than hit. Currently, the "quote" format italicizes words, which make it more difficult to read. Any thoughts?