Tuesday 1 July 2008

Freebies to those who can afford it

Drug reps practically throw things at doctors. Cool pens. Mouse pads. Drinks. Bags. Samples. Puzzles. Lunches. Tickets. Trips overseas. Freebies freebies freebies to those who really don't need more stuff and can definitely afford it.

Have you seen people give out free stuff on the street? They tend to hand things to people who are well put together. But they are reluctant to give out stuff to people who are poor (e.g. students, homeless).

Why so stingey? Is it really free?


Mel said...

Such a true observation!

Who are the important ppl in this world?

Tim Keller does a terrific sermon about the poor (the mp3 is on that CD for you).

The poor are the ones who want to hear the Gospel, cos they realise their depravity. Blessed are the poor (he speaks about how it is not just the poor in spirit, but in Luke it is "the poor").

Honoria said...

Right on, Mel. It's lovely that God inverts our ideas of rich and poor. He knows what real value is.

There was a clergyman in London's square mile (17th cent?) Pillagers told him to bring out the treasures and riches of the church. So he brought out the old, the sick and the poor.