Friday 10 October 2008

Ephesians for teens

Ever heard of Rod and Karen Morris' spicy ideas for Bible studies? They are so keen on the Bible that they wrote a book on leading better Bible studies and have saved many a study from dying a slow and painful death by a thousand Q&As...

Last term's Ephesians studies were inspired by them... (studies were more or less divided according to chapter divisions)

Chapter 1 - Timeline (Before the foundation of the world -> Jesus on earth -> Our time -> End of this age)

Paul pulls out the Imax Camera to show how God planned all of history around Jesus, with the intention of blessing us. (Application ~ Who's at the centre of the universe / history / your life? Does that match God's view?)

Chapter 2 - Divides (lists of contrasts, working in pairs)

How we used to walk and what our new walk looks like (1-10).
Who's in, who's out? How do you get in? (11-22)

Chapter 3 - Play Detective (gather clues)

What's the mystery? (1-6)
What's Paul's job? (7-13)
What does this have to do with the Ephesians & us? (14-21)

Chapter 4 - Patterns (discussion)

Body language & Church (unity and diverty)
Old and New Self

[Game: take turns naming a body part, when you repeat / get stumped, sit down]

Chapter 5 Walking (describe the pairs of people)

- Walking around & fill in lists (pinned up around the room) of how people are to behave.

Walking = conduct / practice.

[Game: adverbs game - The group decides to behave in a particular a manner (crazily, shyly, theatrically). The guesser asks any one of the group to do any action and has to guess what the manner is.]

Chapter 6 - Fashion Parade

Make Armour of God out of newspaper (2 teams). Someone narrates the model as they walk down the 'runway'.


psychodougie said...

we once did the fashion parade at youth group - i thought it was inspired - but thought it was divine never knew it was morris inspiration!

did you do all those things with grown ups?

is LBB a reprint? i tried to get it a few years ago and couldn't - the reason given was out of print!

Honoria said...

Hey, Dougie! What were youz parading?

I didn't get these particular ideas out of LBB, but Morris's certainly primed those ideas.

The studies were done with junior high kids, 12-15 y.o's. Gee, I'm going to miss them. We've traveled a lot.

Not sure if they have reprinted LBB. I see them in Christian book stores all the time, though. I also see second-hand copies for sale on mail-room notice board sometimes.

psychodougie said...

dressed up in cardboard sword, helmet, shoes, belt, breastplate etc. was good fun
i think we wanted a fight off (tho cardboard swords aren't known for their durability) but decided upon a fashion parade instead!
with year 6-8 kids (12-14y/o)

Unknown said...

Hi This is Karen Morris! I wanted to say I didn't think of the dressing up and walking on the catwalk idea- but I wish I had. It sounds excellent fun, and I bet they remember the passage!!

Our book is still in print. Koorong has it but occasionally they will tell you its out of print. It has had a number of print runs so you may have caught it in between runs.


Hon said...
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Hon said...

Wow, Karen...! I'm pleased and embarrassed that the author should comment.

I've just lead LBBS to train in a campus setting. We all loved the course and it made us appreciate what God was doing in the Scriptures in a richer way. Thanks for a book stuffed full of goodies.

We worked off the 2008 reprints. =)