Sunday 28 September 2008

How random!

...apparently, people just can't get enough random facts!

In case you think you're seeing double, this is not a repeat of Honoria's post. I've been lured out of co-blogger-lurkdom by the irresistible invitation to rabbit on about myself. Here are 6 random facts about me:

1. Famous people I have met in my life include: Bob Hawke, Julian Lennon, Jimeoin, John Safran, and various stars of Neighbours. I am distantly related to Rex Hunt, though have never met him.

2. I lived the first 30 years of my life blissfully without a mobile phone, and often fondly yearn for those past innocent, carefree days...

3. Things I have collected at different times during my life include: stickers, stamps, erasers, sugar/salt&pepper sachets from planes & cafes all over the world, teaspoons, and (most recently, thanks to the Moodys) antique toy robots.

4. I have not vomited since I was in grade 6. This means I'm proudly running a current non-vomit streak of over 20 years! (though a memorable flight to Sydney in August brought me uncomfortably close to ending the streak)

5. The first album I ever bought with my own money was Bananarama "Wow!" (it was a toss-up between that and "Push" by Bros). First concert I went to was 1927 at the Tennis Centre, supported by Boom Crash Opera. Ahh the memories!!!

6. I learnt french for 6 years and piano for 14 years, and haven't really used either of those "skills" since.

Not tagging anyone else since just about all the bloggers I know have been tagged already!

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