Saturday 25 October 2008


A “domestic disturbance” at 4am
– the impersonality of the term
belies the shocking human rawness of the reality
of slamming doors and broken glass, shrieks and crashes and, eventually, police
and loud wailing cries splitting the stillness of the night

Oh, our street needs Jesus

This ugly underbelly of suburban life, briefly and embarrassingly revealed
So out of place in genteel Surrey Hills
where well-bred folks stifle their sobs into pillows
and grief and rage is concealed behind Laura Ashley facades
We keep our tombs very well whitewashed.

Yes, our street needs Jesus...


Jean said...

Sandra, have you been hiding that writing skill under a bushel? Time to get it out more often, babe!

Honoria said...

Hey! I really like your evocative Surrey Hills soundbite.