Saturday 30 August 2008

Pastoral Conundrum

So I chatted with this girl, right, because I was worried that she's leading a double life. Christian on Sundays and non-Christian when she's with non-Christians.

When I brought it up, she cries. She told me that there is a problem and she's talking to someone about it. I was blocked. And it left open the question of what the problem is. Is it a sad problem? Or a sinful problem?

What do I do? There may be nothing to worry about. And there may be something to worry about. My hunch is that it's a sinful problem. If I say something *just in case* there was something to worry about, it's ok, right? since a Christian should be able to understand that concern.

... So anyway, I hope to speak to her again and tell something she already knows. I'll going to tell her the gospel. It's a comfort if there's a sad problem and it's a rebuke if it's a sinful problem. If anything happens, I'll post!

What would you have done?


psychodougie said...

you gotta keep asking people how they're going, don't you? how many would you say that to and cry and not be already talking to someone about it?
good on you - it's clearly the gospel driving you, not an inappropriate sticky-beaking.
i would want to think she would be encouraged to know there are Christian sisters looking out for her and willing to stick their neck out at the risk of looking like an idiot, so important is her soul.

Honoria said...

Thanks, Doug. It's helping me brace myself! You're right, the signs point to something.

Even if she doesn't appreciate being poked, it doesn't mean I shouldn't do it. Life's too short / important to "save" people's feelings.

Jean said...

Used the same tense throughout this post. ;) That was an oh-so-subtle reference to stones and shoes, my dear l'il sis! ;) I am scattering this with ;) so you will know that I am gently teasing. ;)

Teasing aside, I think you are wonderful to care enough to think about your approach, to see the gospel as the solution, and to apply it with gentleness and sensitivity.

Honoria said...

Hey, thanks for reading carefully Jean.

I'm trying to do Greek verbal aspect stuff in English. It's just an excuse for very poor grammar!

"Stones and shoes"? So subtle that it alluded me!

Twist in the story: From another event, it looks like she's actually "playing" quite a few people. I.e. it's a sinful problem and many people could get quite hurt.

It's not surprising that she's blocked me. I may not get a chance to tell her the gospel...